Facts and Figures

TÜO was founded 1997 in Stuttgart.
It was acknowledgment (accredited) by Ministry for Environment and Traffic of the country Baden-Wuerttemberg in the same year. 2000 the first accreditation by the GAZ (Society for Accreditation and Certification mbH) and registration at the DAR (German Accreditation Council), Berlin took place.
2003, there was a strategic cooperation with Mitsubishi Electric Europe EMC Laboratory, Japan. Since 2006, TÜO has been advising an Arab Forum testing organisation on Petrochemical and Petrochemical Industry, Abu Dhabi.
Based on the Accreditation Act, TÜO has been regularly monitored and accredited by the DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Berlin) since 1st January 2010.​
Since 2015, TÜO has been the official REFA agency in Egypt, Libya, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Iran. In this regard, all training and further education measures abroad are carried out in close cooperation with the German REFA Federal Association. www.refa.de
Since 2014, TÜO has been bringing its many years of experience and partnerships in the MENA*-region (Middle East & North Africa) into projects with the GIZ (German Association for International Cooperation), an organization of the BMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation) in Berlin.
In 2014 TÜO was accredited for the first time a department of the Egyptian Ministry of Industry in addition to the existing DAkkS accreditation by ECAG (Egyptian Accreditation Council).
Since the year 2017 TÜO has subjected itself to the WIN-CHARTA. WIN-Charta goes back to the economic initiative "Sustainability and Economy of the State of Baden-Württemberg". By signing the WIN-Charta, the companies commit themselves to a total of twelve guiding principles and goals of sustainable management.

TÜO Technical Organisation for Safety - Quality - Environmental Protection was founded in 1997 as a partnership company.
Initially the main activities were the certification of waste recycling disposal companies according to the law § 56 KrWG as well as the implementation of activities for waste management officers in hospitals and clinics.
This was followed by a gradual expansion of the business units to include certification in accordance with general ISO standards such as 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18.001, ISO 22.003, ISO 45.001, ISO 50.001 and industry-specific standards such as HACCP, ISO 77200 and SQAS.
In 2001, TÜO PartG was transformed into a limited liability company.
As an experienced and internationally recognised certification company, TÜO is constantly expanding its service portfolio and its international network. TÜO combines neutrality with dedicated partnerships and state-experienced auditors - thus offering its business partners the appropriate added value for continuously improving their own corporate goals.
Today TÜO partners operate in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Egypt, Libya, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. You can reach us via their respective contact address.
The TÜO is committed to secured objectivity in all customer matters.